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1. 0452 399 096 - For City Walk Branch

2. 0452 560 929 - For Harrison Branch


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Diamond Polar™ Skin Tightening



The Venus Versa™ body shaping treatments use radio frequency technology to naturally boost collagen production and break down fat cells, which diminishes fine lines and wrinkles, tightens sagging skin, reduces the appearance of cellulite, and makes the body look slimmer, sculpted, and more toned. This treatment has no pain and no downtime. It is so comfortable that it has often been compared to a relaxing hot stone massage.


About Venus Versa™


Troubled by skin laxity, wrinkles or ageing facial contours? Venus Versa is one of the most sophisticated radiofrequency devices on the market. Non-invasive skin tightening with the Venus Versa Diamond Polar applicator produces a therapeutic “heat matrix” that firms early signs of sagging skin and diminishing fine lines and wrinkles.


Diamond Polar uses a combination both of Multi-Polar Radio Frequency (RF) and Pulsed Electro Magnetic Fields (PEMF) energy. RF is able to create a series of biological responses in the skin causing a heat induced injury to the dermis. This then triggers our wound healing response and instigates cell rejuvenation, renewal and repair. This process stimulates the production of fibroblast cells, which then leads to the development of new collagen. RF can also cause contraction of collagen fibres and this can result in a tightening effect on the skin.


The application of PEMF is used as it is capable of generating electrical signals to encourage and accelerate different processes within tissue. When applied to the skin, the electrical current alters the membrane potential of a cell and triggers a response; stimulation of fibroblast proliferation and neo-vascularity. This means it activates the formulation of new fibroblast cells, collagen and better functioning blood vessels. Additionally, blood flow is improved which increases the oxygen in the tissue and therefore improves nutrient transfer. In the skin. Overall leading too healthier, stronger and more vibrant skin.


Our diamond polar treatment uses both RF and PEMF together as RF has the ability to stimulate fibroblast cells and replace and rebuild damage collagen. Whereas PEMF is able to increase the number of fibroblasts in the skin. The increased circulation and vascularity this treatment creates allows for an enhanced supply of oxygen and nutrients in the skin.

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    Our Store

    Franklin Branch:

    96/235 Flemington Rd, Franklin ACT 2913

    Trading Hours

    Monday closed

    Tuesday          10am–5:30pm

    Wednesday   10am–5:30pm

    Thursday        12pm–7:30pm

    Friday              10am–5:30pm

    Saturday         10am–5:30pm

    Sunday            10am–5:30pm

    City Branch:

    Shop7/240 City Walk, Canberra 2601

    Trading Hours:

    Saturday         10am–5:30pm
    Sunday            10am–5:30pm
    Monday           10am–5:30pm
    Tuesday           10am–5:30pm
    Wednesday    10am–5:30pm
    Thursday         10am–5:30pm
    Friday               12–7:30pm

    T: 0452399096


    Customer Service

    T: +61 452 399 096


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